Monday, November 10, 2008

the tale of dormates...

"...people who will read this unfinished will die after 3 days..."

It was not horrifying when i read it. After i had seen some part of it, i abruptly deleted the message from my cellphone... i know, this is just one of the most common SMS one might received each day. Some, in fact, demands you to forward the message to all the people you know. How pathetic?


"michael!..." ooops... i heard someone's calling me. but i can't find them. them? yeah... i think 'their' not just one. Maybe, that's her with her friends. i am waiting here alone in this park waiting for her because we really need to talk according to her. Yeah... she's odessa. She had sent me an SMS stating that she has a terrible problem and wanted my opinion regarding it. I've been waiting for about an hour now. I hope the one yelling my precious name is odessa now.

"michael!..." Now, I saw them. Them, without odessa. it's kind of annoying now. i think odessa is a real talk-shit. or she's just facing another problem now... whatever?!

"michael!..." the group that was calling me for a bit long time was my dormates. as usual, i think i need to prepare myself for an enjoying talk. we always do that. we're always happy together. we're almost brothers and sisters and not just mere dormates. we love each other like a family. not only because we're living in one roof, but also because we feel mutual exchanges that only families do. and now their coming right to the bench i am sitting. leizel, beth, jimma, migs, edwin, whilz and macky. i think they have already had their snacks. they seemed so full. we're always a little bit silent when we're full and super wacky when super hungry. contradicting right? that's how unique we are. okay, and now they're on my front - jimma, migs, macky, beth, and whilz - and on my side - edwin and leizel.

"michael..." oooohhh... some kind of a fishy secret revelation huh... they're low toned now. they don't seemed to fit in a low toned personality... a little bit funny. anyways, they continue...

"michael..." creepy... "odessa is dead..."

"michael... don't get with the plot... they're just joking... the usual practical jokes they do... don't believe! of course it's a joke." i told myself. they can't fool me. i'm a veteran when it comes to that.

"michael... she was found dead lying on her bead..."
"michael... with her cellphone beside her..."
"michael... we suspect an SMS killed her..."
"michael... the message states that whomever will read that message unfinished will be dead 3 days after..."
"michael... odessa received it last tuesday..."
"michael... and now she's dead!"

my cellphone suddenly vibrated destroying the creepy silence that seemed to surround the whole park... i received an SMS.

"michael... prepare!" damn horror move all over my collective spine. get off me! i want to shout. but, it's over now. the sender was odessa...

another message came... from odessa again...

"michael... prepare..." the messages that followed it made me want to kill them all... and die as soon as possible... made me wish they're all dead - my dormates.

the message continue... "prepare... to laugh... everything's a joke!..."

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