a good day to everyone who are reading this...
i had a good day to day! (i just don't know if this good day will go beyond the rest of the days ahead) I had fine weeks since i started the summer classes... only thing i hate this summer is that i stayed on a dormitory i never liked ever since...
you know, that dorm was the one i can consider as the "most" competitor of our dorm (sports-wise and personally, as in personal!)... our original dorm (the dorm in the picture) is close this summer that's why i have no other choice but to stay in that hell-like dormitory... the people there are like antagonists in soap operas... and when they look at you, they always seem to be angry or they'll be doing something bad on you...
thank God because their dorm manager is so kind and sweet... she is tita gie... she's so funny and welcoming... the exact opposite of her residents...
another thing why i hate this place is that because someone had scolded us (edwin and I)... he also cursed (not referring to anyone naman)... i'm just so shocked because i had ever heard such "crunchy" curse for almost a year... he also told us that, at that specific time, he wanted to kick us because of what we did... i'm terribly surprised of his reactions... he's so mad and bad... i texted sheena immediately of what happened and asked her to bring back the posters she got when she once visited our room (another reason why kuya donald scolded us)... but, i really think that what he did was not the proper thing to do by those times... we had built unkind impression to him which i think the real thing...
anyways, maybe i'm just a little embarrassed of what he did... that's why i feel also a pinch of madness(?) to that little bug!...
i just miss my original dorm!...
so sad you missed the fun and excitement we, your loving friends, had experienced. you knew i would have enjoyed it more when you're at our side. just remember that we'll always be here to support you no matter what. enjoy life my friend:)