Wednesday, February 18, 2009

He's STILL the one...

...he's still the one that i love..
...the only one i dream of...
...still the one that i kiss goodnight...

It's been months since I felt this kind of happiness. I never had imagined that I'll be happy again because of *wink*...

Anyway, I think the reason why I am in such happiness is because I feel so free to admire someone like *wink* without any judgment from anybody.

I think... therefore I am... doing what I know right for me. No matter what I do, I can't deny the fact that I STILL unto *wink*. What I know right now is that I'm happy. Happiness is something not to be compelled into silence nor denial. If you're happy, be then. As long as you do not affect negatively the people around you, why bother thinking about them?

No matter how long it was, it's worth the wait.

The Seventh Sense

The Seventh Sense
Do all people you know really exist?... Are they all really ALIVE?...


the crime was done... but there can only be one

Lavendeta 2

Lavendeta 2
...she's back...

me @ Pagbilao

me @ Pagbilao

Aleine's Debut

Aleine's Debut
My friend's transformation from a girl to a real lady...

WOW! Sleep safe and sound...

WOW! Sleep safe and sound...
tulog na huy!!!