Two nights to go and I'll be celebrating my 18th christmas...
By this time, back then, I am already feeling some tingling excitement for the real christmas celebration... there's something in the breeze of the morning and dawn... there's a different sensation in every place i visit... there's a unique happiness everyone feel by that time... i don't why, what and how?... but i just can feel it...
I could still remember how happy i was back then when i'm just 7, 8 or 9 thinking that it's almost near christmas. I always get satisfied with everything I receive within the whole celebration. I really appreciate big gifts and extravagant generosity from my godparents. No christmas season that I collected less tha I expected.
Not until I was 14, 15 or 16 that I noticed certain changes in my christmas celebration. As an assessment, maybe it was just because of the Law of Diminishing Marginal Returns, or of the rapid inflation rate increase in the country, or an invisible economic recession, or the decline of products' value, or just merely climate change. For whatever reason, what i only know is that i started not to get enough contentment every christmas season from that phase of my life. Sad? Really sad... I also noticed that something changed in me personally. I started to be shy collecting gifts - maybe i had thought i'm old enough to celebrate such season.
Recession? Yeah... Maybe... Recession of excitement and crave for christmas celebration...